Blond Hernández, Juan José
Basler & Hofmann AG |
Rios, Oriol
Centre for Technological Risk Studies (CERTEC). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain |
Don't worry, this section is not long…
- This work is based on the hot smoke testing system, Izar
- It was developed by the swiss company Basler & Hofmann AG
- A premixed combustion is the source of energy for the test
- The results presented in this work are part of its development process
- The entire work was presented as master thesis within the IMFSE program in 2013
Before we begin, what is Izar?
I am very happy with your question…
Izar is a system with… a gas burner
… and some fog generators
Our clients wanted to see the smoke,… and my boss too

It sounds interesting, but what makes Izar something special?
Well Izar is definitely a cool machine…
- It doesn't generate soot
- Live control of the HRR
- It is possible to follow fire curves like the t2-curve
- A validated FDS model is available
(Oh, a validated FDS for a testing system? It seems interesting, I will keep attending what this guy is saying…)
How is that you decided to combine FDS with Izar?
It is not the best idea to do a smoke test an burn the room… I needed to figure out how to avoid it
Yes, that is definitely a good reason
- We do the test in rooms in use or just before commissioning
- The room limiting factor must be considered (sprinklers, lights, protected ceilings)
Calculate the plume temperatures originated by Izar
- The temperature is one of the main factors to design the smoke tests
- Realistic test = high temperatures
- Necessary temperature data from Izar for different powers and room heights
How to calculate temperatures from premixed flames?
- The combustion efficiency is the most important factor for premixed flames
- What happens afterward? –> Not enough studied
A new framework is developed with FDS to calculate the plume temperature
And how did you create the FDS model for Izar?
- The combustion itself is “not important”, we want to model the plume
- The combustion will not be modeled
- We model the combustion products which conform the plume, the “smoke”
- Three initial factors
- Species
- Temperature
- Origin surface
The initial species (1/2)
- The combustion takes place under stoichiometric conditions
- Well known which the combustion products are
C3H8 + 5 O2 + 5⋅3.76 N2 = 3 CO2 + 4 H2O + 5⋅3.76 N2
We define the mass ratio fuel/product
| | | |
Specie | Molecular weight | Amount of products | Mass ratio |
| (g) | (g) | |
| | | |
C3H4 | 40 | - | - |
CO2 | 44 | 132 | 3.3 |
H2O | 18 | 72 | 1.8 |
N2 | 28 | 526.40 | 13.16 |
| | | |
The initial species (2/2)
- We calculate the necessary mass flow rate for a desired HRR with the fuel heat of combustion
- Example for 500 kW
- Propane heat of combustion: 46 kJ/g
- Mass flow to achieve 500 kW
500 kW / 46 kJ/g = 10.85 g/s
| | | |
Specie | Amount of fuel | Mass ratio | Amount of products |
| (g/s) | | (g/s) |
| | | |
| | | |
C3H4 | 10.85 | - | - |
CO2 | - | 3.3 | 35.80 |
H2O | - | 1.8 | 19.53 |
N2 | - | 13.16 | 142.78 |
| | | |
| | | |
Proper initial values for the subsequent system mass balance
The initial temperature
- The initial temperature of the gas is related with the flame temperature
- The combustion takes places under stoichiometric conditions
- The adiabatic combustion temperature characterizes the flame temperature
- For our case: Flame temperature = 1.995 °C (Propane adiabatic temperature)
Grid mesh and geometry
- The mesh definition is a critical value in a FDS model
- The combustion product must be introduced in kg/m2⋅s
- The combustion surface defines the initial moment in the system
- Our system has a geometry of 122 cm (length) x 17 cm (width)
- A 6.5 cm cell size was chosen after a sensitivity analysis
- High combustion efficiency –> low radiation loses
- The radiation fraction can be calculated considering the partial pressures
- The radiation loses of the system are around 3 %
Well you can find the equation in my paper…
Validation of the FDS model
- You are probably thinking
- Nice method
- The theory is interesting, but I want to known if it works
- Does he have more cool pictures?
- Well, let's show the result
- And yes there are some cool photos
Let's begin with the plume in FDS
- Using the described initial inputs, Izar was modeled in FDS
- A grid was programmed to measure the temperature
- Temperature sensor every 20 cm in the X and Y axis
- Repeated each 19.5 cm in the Z-Axis
- This way of simulating the system avoid possible uncertainties related with the combustion
The next step is to validate the results
And that means?
- Switch on Izar
- Do some real fire
- Measure the temperatures in the plume
Therefore, some action out of the office
And it turns out that the results match at 1.200 kW…
… but also with Izar working at 400 kW…
… or just working at 100 kW
Next step, a full scale test
- The plume model works
- Therefore, it should be possible to model a real scale
- Is it really possible to simulate that ?
The full scale test
- We measured the temperatures within the smoke layer
- We carried out tests at different powers
We modeled the full scale test with our FDS model…
… and these are the results
I know that you cannot see too much here…
they look definitely similar
- The methodology efficient tool to model the system Izar
- The main inputs are:
- Combustion products
- Flame temperature
- Combustion region geometry
- FDS resolves properly the turbulence and entrainment around the plume
- The centerline plume temperatures confirm this point
Future work
- Different configurations
- Different fuels
- Different geometries
- Validate the model in tunnels
- Development of plume equations
- Test and validate new premixed burning submodel
The future of the FDS Simulations?
Thanks for your attention